Monday, March 29, 2010

"I'm Here"

A new short film by spike jonze, which premiered at sundance this year. The film is a love story between two robots living in LA where humans coexist. There are some really beautiful shots in this film. I was intrigued by the amount of emotional attatchment you feel toward the main characters which are robots.

The film may be viewed online here

Do The Right Thing

1989 film by spike lee.
More about this film and spike lee here.

Mike Brodie aka Poloroid Kidd

Recently I came across some photos done by photographer Mike Brodie "Polaroid Kidd." He left home at 18 and began taking shots using a polaroid camera. His subjects usually consist of hobo's, train hoppers and squatters.

more of his images here

Ernest Hemingway

At quite a young age I was introduced to the writing of ernest hemingway. Throughout the years i have learned to appreciate his prose writing style, and character driven stories. I have found much inspiration in his books when I am creating characters, in particular his novels "A Farewell to Arms," "The Sun Also Rises," and "The Garden of Eden."

Monday, March 15, 2010

screen printed music posters

After attending bumbershoot music festival in seattle, I was introduced to screen printing at their FLATSTOCK exhibition. Above are some posters which really caught my eye, more of these posters can be viewed here